Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day in the life of a stay at home mom...

     Today I was able to brush my teeth! As silly as that sounds, being mom to two small children often leaves you with unbrushed teeth and messy hair. Don't even get me started on the luxury of a shower! I pride myself on how "put together" my children usually look when we go out of the house. I fix their hair and dress them well but then I come along with my yoga pants and workout tank, wild hair and no makeup to top it all off! It really doesn't feel good when you run into an old friend or worse an old fling and all you want to do is run away and hide! Yet, I do it to myself day after day! 

     So... Tomorrows world changing challenge is to wake up and before I dress my babies I am going to brush my teeth, get dressed up, fix my hair and put makeup up! I am already feeling like a new woman!

-Shannon Leah


  1. I Am So Proud Of You Little Teeth Brusher!

  2. I saw you today and you looked very put together. I was ashamed of my yoga pants and baggy sweater

  3. Every time I see you Shannon you look terrific!! No need to apologize for anything. You always look great.
