Sunday, November 10, 2013

Here's to new beginnings...

Hello World!

     Every time I sit at the computer to write it is as if my inspiration runs away from me, yes it doesn't walk, it runs away! I had the intention of getting on here and solving all the problems of the world post by post and yet my perfectionist tendencies tie my hands and make my brain ache. 

     I will start off with the reason for my title, "Here's to new beginnings;" well... I have been feeling of late that I have not been fulfilling all that I am capable of, that I need to tap into my creative senses and self discipline (can you tell I have been catching up on my leadership books?). I have four sisters, all of which are women to be admired, strong, intelligent and successful ladies and they are part of the many inspirations that make me want to become the best version of myself! Those are not the only reasons, but I am also tired of complaining and ready to be proactive! 

     We will tackle, parenthood, marriage, friendship, religion, cooking, cleaning, ideas, dreams, goals, LIFE, anything and everything. So I invite you on a journey to help me solve the problems of our little worlds, to make mistakes with me then help each other to get up, dust off and try again. To be the best versions of ourselves in every capacity of life! So here is to New Beginnings, may it be the key that unlocks all possibilities!

-Shannon Leah

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