A word about being thankful...
At church on Sunday my dad, who is also my pastor, was talking about thankfulness. Very appropriate considering it is Thanksgiving week. A few things he said really got me thinking. One was having the correct perspective, at which time he shared a witty anecdote that got the whole church laughing yet at the same time striking many cords that hopefully resulted in much contemplation and change. I know it did for me... I sat there holding my husbands hand, looked over at him and realized that I need to show more thankfulness to this wonderful man. So often I get caught up in all the toils that being a stay at home mom require and forget that he works very hard also. I have lately been turning our relationship into a competition, saying things like I work every bit as hard as you maybe even harder, you have no idea how challenging it can be being with these kids all day, I cook, I clean, I do everything! Those words came out of my mouth long after they had already been in my heart and poisoned my thoughts. I failed to remember that my husband goes to the gym every morning at six, comes home and makes breakfast and often times even for me, at this point I am focused on the fact that he got to go to the gym and I didn't (way wrong perspective). He works all day then comes home to play with the kids and try to have some down time, any which point I feel the need to tell him that I never get down time! Oh us silly women if only we could realize that a good man would do absolutely anything for their woman if they are just given respect and treated well. So... I have changed my approach. I have been more thankful for everything instead of feeling like he should be more thankful for me, already I have seen amazing results. Once you take your eyes off yourself you can see clearly the blessings that surround you!
On top of being thankful for my man I have a blessings list that I would like to share...
2. I am thankful that I am a christian I couldn't imagine life without my God.
3. My babies! This is a big one because I am thankful for every little detail... their tiny fingers wrapped around mine, their sweetest kisses. When my 14 month old wraps his chubby little arms around my neck and hugs me with all his might or when I ask him for a kiss and he opens his mouth so wide and kisses me! Early mornings when our three year old gets in bed with us and tells us that she woke up and the sun is awake and that she missed us then gives us these hugs and says I love you so much! The way they have grown to adore eachother. Oh how rewarding it is to be a parent!
4. My family: Disneyland, cruises, thanksgiving in palm springs, Sunday night tacos, best friends, mentors. Our family is so full of life, I daily count myself blessed to be a part of them.
5. My parents: all good things in my life are owed to them... if they had not raised us all with wisdom and Godliness then my life would be nothing like it is today!
I have a much larger list but these are all I am going to share for now. I challenge you all to use this week to take your eyes completely off yourself and be thankful! Be thankful for the good and easy times as well as the challenging ones. Appreciate what you have instead of dwelling on what you don't have. Then your perspective will change and you will see that you possess so much more than you thought.
-Shannon Leah